Hafiz Joundy Syafie

Software Engineer

  • Hello

  • I was born in Banjarnegara, 23 years ago, it’s a small and scenic city in Indonesia. I am very passionate about technology, particularly programming.
  • I am a Software Engineer who specializes in the Backend, currently proficient in Javascript, Golang, and Rust.
  • As well as my technical skills, I have soft skills for collaborating between teams. I have worked in startups developing large-scale applications for users worldwide.
  • I’m currently working for Ordzaar, NFT marketplace in the Bitcoin Ordinal Protocol, ex: Paras Digital, Ruangguru, Telkom Indonesia.
  • contact@joundy.me

OS: The Thread Inside The Process

image by bytebytego Intro Thread and Process are topics that are widely discussed. The difference between the two cannot be compared apples to apples. If you read the title, you will find a clue that ‘Thread’ essentially lives inside the ‘Process’. You can’t spawn a thread without running the process first. In this stories we only cover a big picture about thread and process. What is Process A process is an instantiation of a program that is being executed by a processor....

<span title='2023-07-05 21:50:43 +0700 +0700'>July 5, 2023</span>

Blockchain: Deploy NFT Contract in Near Protocol

Intro Hello guys, I hope everyone is doing well, in this post I am going to create an NFT (Non-Fungible Token) contract in Near protocol, have you ever heard of near protocol? near protocol is a layer 1 blockchain network, like an Ethereum network, near uses Proof of Stake (POS) instead of Proof of Work (POW), besides of that the Near protocol has excellent features like Nightshade Sharding that can validate a transaction really fast, personally, I really enjoy developing Dapps in near rather than another blockchain, but because near is relatively new, there are very few tutorials out there, so this is one the reason why I created this article, by the way, you can learn more about near on this website near developer....

<span title='2022-09-03 22:54:04 +0700 +0700'>September 3, 2022</span>